Amsterdam Tea Room

Tasting Notes: Subtle spice and apple with a wonderfully smooth tea finish.

Ingredients: Organic: Pu-erh tea, white tea, oolong tea, natural dried apple, natural dried orange, hibiscus, rosehips, peppermint, cloves, ginger root, cinnamon bark, cardamom pod, black pepper, lemon peel

Origin: China, Kenya, Indonesia, India, Guatemala, Sri Lanka, Spain, USA, Vietnam

Caffeine Content: Medium

Water Temperature: 206 F / 97 C

Steep Time: 3-6 minutes

Suggested Serving: 1.5 tsp/8oz

 Our Fat Burner wellness tea is a powerful blend created especially for those who wish to cut body fat!  This blend includes the most powerful teas that are proven to cut fat naturally and easily in the body, making it a fantastic weight loss blend, helping you overcome sugar cravings, and is also beneficial for lowering unhealthy levels of cholesterol in the body. What sets our Fat Burner blend apart from other weight loss tea blends is that even though we’ve blended the most powerful teas together, the flavour is pure, and wonderfully delicious!

The most popular powerful teas for weight loss are; pu’erh tea, white tea, and oolong tea.  These specific organic teas are known to clean the body and help reduce excess weight quickly!

Pu’erh tea is a unique weight loss tea produced from fully fermented tea leaves- it is pro-biotic, and earthy. Pu’erh has been popularized worldwide as a weight loss tea, and used as a main ingredient in specially prepared tea blends.  It has a great reputation as a healthy drink and an aid in weight loss.

White tea is one of the most powerful sources of antioxidants found in nature. Antioxidants reduce the accumulation of cholesterol in the bloodstream and increase metabolism in the body. White tea has naturally powerful thermogenesis (calorie burning) properties. The thermogenesis mechanism oxidizes fat and maximizes energy expenditure. Loved for centuries in Asia, and studied in the Western world, white tea is widely known to provide powerful fat burning properties.

Oolong tea has been scientifically proven to burn fat in the body. Oolong tea drinkers are able successfully to drop body fat as the tea can control sugar in the body. At the same time, oolong tea blocks the fattening effects. Oolong tea can clean the body from toxins and free radicals as well, it is an ideal beverage for those who wish to lose weight and keep the body clean and healthy.

All of these teas help burn fat, speed up the metabolism and have the ability to detoxify the body of harmful chemicals.  They contain caffeine, catechins, polyphenols, flavonoids and amino acids. All these components have fat burning properties!

The ATR Fat Burner blend is an excellent aid in healthy weight loss, and maintenance when paired with healthier food choices and discipline. It also boasts different health benefits such as reducing cholesterol, cleaning the skin of troublesome acne, solving skin problems, and improving general well-being.

This tea blend is recommended to be used with a low calorie diet and physical exercise plan. It can help you in achieving your weight loss objectives. It is a safe and easy way to lose weight simply, by replacing the coffee, or tea you drink every day with our Fat Burner blend. Fat Burner is natural, delicious and safe way to achieve numerous positive health benefits!


14.5 / 50g

29 / 100g