Tasting Notes: Toasty and jammy notes leap from a cup that is also sprinkled with lightly vegetative flavour sprinkled throughout.
Ingredients: Organic green tea, roasted rice
Origin: Japan
Caffeine Content: Medium
Water Temperature: 185 F / 85 C
Steep Time: 3-5 minutes
Suggested Serving: 1 tsp / 8oz
Genmaicha is one of the world’s most unique teas – just open the bag and you’ll see why. The tea is made using Japanese Sencha or Bancha grade teas – ours is a steamed Sencha – and is blended with roasted rice kernels making the tea look as though it has been mixed with popcorn. The flavour of Genmaicha is light, with mild nutty overtones. This quality has made it one of the most popular teas in Japan.
Although today it is consumed by all segments of society, this type of tea was originally drunk by poor Japanese, as the rice served as a filler and reduced the price of the tea; which is why it is also known as the “people’s tea.” It was also used by those persons fasting for religious purposes or who found themselves to be between meals for long periods of time. The sugar and starch from the rice cause the tea to have a warm, full flavour that is similar to that of nuts. It is considered easy to drink and helps one’s stomach feel better
13.5 / 50g
27 / 100g